Whittier Smog Test Services
All Vehicle Smog Test
Cheapest Whittier Smog Test Price for all vehicles year 2000 and above
Price: $41.75+Certificate
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Emission Star Smog Test
Whittier Smog Test for all models year 1999 to 1996.
We test the vehicles emission levels, gas cap and test the vehicle on the dynamometer.Price: $81.75+Certificate
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Star Smog Test
Smog Test for all models year 1995 and below.
Same process as the vehicles year 1999, but with different machines and methods.Price: $111.75+Certificate
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Hernandez Smog Test Coupon
Cheapest Star Smog Test Prices in Whittier
No Appointment needed
15 Minute Quick Service
Hernandez Smog Check Located Near You
Star Smog Check Location (South Whitter)
Business Hours
Monday-Friday: 8am-6pm
Saturday: 8am–4pm
Sunday: 8am-2pm